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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

8 Values of Free Expression

When it comes too the eight values of free expression, it is difficult too choose just one that strikes me as important. This is mostly because without one, our country and its democracy would be doomed, meaning they are all vital in their own ways. Each value goes hand in hand, but there are a couple that seem to be the most important, especially in the modern United States. 

The first one that struck me was the third value, Stable Change, otherwise known as "the safety valve". This is the idea that it is in the government's best interest to allow citizens to voice their opinions and feelings about the government and its actions. Throughout life I have learned the importance in venting, whether that takes place when I am angry, sad, or happy, it makes me feel better. This action is often what takes place in therapy, which is proven to be successful in making a difference in people's lives. Venting relieves people from having pent up emotions, which often result in an explosion. Much like putting too much in a cup and expecting the lid to stay on, people cannot be expected to be filled with intense emotions and not act on them.

This action, especially with anger, is typically seen as explosive. When it comes to our anger towards the government, this explosion is often a violent one, that puts civilians and the government alike in danger. Being able to vent releases the anger in a different way, avoiding these violent explosions. Hence why it is called a safety valve. This venting is often seen through rallies or marches. One example of this is the many women's marches that have taken place as a result of the overturning of Roe V Wade. But these rallies are not the only way American people let off steam. 


Many people turn to social media and use their profiles, anonymous or not, to express their issues with our government. The best part about social media, to some users, is the ability to hide behind a screen. People can say almost anything they want (opinion-wise) and not receive many punishments, other than the occasional other user disagreeing. Some members of our government have even resorted to putting their opinion on social media. Donald Trump even got banned for venting too much - but that's a different issue.

Another of the 8 values that struck me as extra relevant in current America is to Promote Tolerance. While this one seems outwardly frustrating, the protection of hate speech is important in out current culture. With the rise of the internet and social media, the rise of hate speech has come as well. People feel more confident spewing negative views from behind a screen. While the rise of hate speech seems to have jumped, the internet has learned how to respond. This response is referred to as subsequent punishment. Social media users do not take hate speakers lightly, instantly firing back at them with corrections, comebacks, and often a flurry of blocks and reports. While the hate speech is protected from legal punishment, it is not protected from people's reactions! Giving people the right to an opinion, even if it is a negative one, allows others too learn how to handle others opinions, along with their own.

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