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Thursday, February 9, 2023


Before this class discussion, I was unaware that there were any groups of people left that voiced their antiwar opinions. Exploring these websites made me realize that the antiwar movement is not dead, just hidden. This set of ideals is one that people appear to ignore, and want nothing to do with- especially the government. 

I had never been to either of these websites, or any like them for that matter, but the first article I notice on was one titled "Counting the Dead in Ukraine". Seeing a journal discuss the brutalities of war is something I cannot say I have ever seen before, but I feel it is extremely valuable. Through some browsing on The American Conservative website, I found it interesting that this journal takes the word conservative and gives it a different, more accurate depiction. They heavily focus on the criticism of the government, which is a vital action that keeps our. Otherwise known as Protect Dissent, criticizing our government is what upholds our democracy and keeps our country together, government and citizens alike.

Although criticism is important, the government does not always see it this way, especially when that criticism is antiwar. This would be the reason the media does not often portray antiwar speech, the government does everything it can to keep those voices silent. This is known as censorship, and has run rampant in the USA for decades, or even centuries. Once they have decided war is necessary, there is no longer consideration for the people's opinions, and in the past the people who force their opinions into consideration, were heavily punished for it.

The government usually has its excuses for censorship, like protecting the people's peace and wanting to get information out in an orderly manner, but the truth is they want to manipulate the information Americans receive, in order to manipulate their opinions, so the government appears in the right. This effects the idea of individual self-fulfillment, because they use their censorship as a way of telling you (without directly telling you) how to feel and what to believe.

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